Thriving Every Day
"...I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)"
(John 10:10, AMP)
(John 10:10, AMP)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
God doesn't want you to live with a "barely-get-by" attitude. He has new seasons of increase in front of you. He wants you to thrive, to live an abundant, overflowing life!
Sometimes when things seem difficult, it's easy to slip into "survival mode." When times get tough, it's tempting to just "hunker down" and settle where we are. If you're not careful, you'll develop a survival mentality that will keep you from growing and releasing your faith. You'll be happy just to "break even." But as God's children, we're not supposed to just break even; we're supposed to break through to a new level! We're supposed to believe for more of God's favor, increase and promotion no matter what is happening in the world around us.
Make up your mind today that no matter how difficult things seem, you are going to thrive every day! Take hold of God's promises and declare that you are rising higher. As you continue to expect His favor and increase, you'll see His hand of blessing in your life, and you will thrive and live in victory all the days of your life.
Father in heaven, thank You for giving me life. I choose today to agree with Your Word which says I can thrive and enjoy my life to the full. Help me see Your hand at work more and more each day. I bless You and give You praise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen