December 08, 2011

He Will Fight Your Battles

He Will Fight
Your Battles


"With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles."
(2 Chronicles 32:8, NKJ)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

In scripture, the enemy was coming against Hezekiah, causing him all kinds of trouble, trying to keep him from his destiny. But Hezekiah didn't get all upset. He just kept abiding, being faithful and putting God first. In Second Kings 19, God said, "Hezekiah, I myself will come against this enemy. He will receive word that he is needed at home, and I will cause him to want to return and he will be defeated."
Notice that when you abide in Him, the Creator of the universe says, "I myself will come against your enemies. I myself will come against that sickness. I myself will come against those who oppose you." It says God is the one who caused Hezekiah's enemy to turn around. That means God can cause that unfair boss to take an early retirement. God can cause that neighbor that's giving you so much trouble to decide to pack up and move. God can cause that classmate to be transferred to another school.
Today, no matter what's coming against you, keep pressing into God. Put His Word first place in your life. Honor Him in all that you do. Let Him fight your battles and bring you into the land of victory He has prepared for you!


Father, I bless You and praise You today because You are good! Thank You for Your good and precious promises. I submit my ways to You; I surrender my will to You knowing that You are working in my life. Thank You for fighting my battles as I keep myself in covenant with You in Jesus' name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

December 06, 2011

Hidden in Him: He will keep me high upon a rock


"For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock"
(Psalm 27:5, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

What a wonderful promise found in today's scripture that when you seek God, when you serve Him with your whole heart, He will hide you in His shelter. You can be so connected to Father God that you are untouchable and invisible to the enemy! You are hidden in Him! That means no matter what is happening around you, you will have strength, confidence and rest greater than ever before knowing that you are safe in Him. Challenges may come your way, but you won't be worried about them. You know that, ultimately, things are going to work out for your good. You know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. People may be talking, trying to make you look bad, but you don't even give it a second thought. You know that your future is too bright to be distracted. You know they don't control your destiny. You just keep on being your best, walking in integrity, meditating on the Word, worshiping throughout the day, and stay hidden in Him!


Father God, I come to You with an open and humble heart. I surrender every area of my life to You. Mold me into Your image and keep me hidden in You. I bless You and praise You today and always in Jesus' name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
Tyler Moore

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December 05, 2011

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you



"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you"
(John 15:7, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

In life, we all have ups and downs. There are seasons that are more difficult than others, seasons of testing, trials and temptation where our character is being developed and our faith in God is being strengthened. Sometimes it can feel like you are taking two steps forward and then three steps backward. But if we're not careful, we'll start thinking that life is always going to be this way. Even in the strong seasons, you'll start looking for things to go wrong.
God doesn't want us to be living life like a roller coaster. He wants to bring us to a place of stability where we remain strong in Him. Jesus said, "I am the vine. You are the branches. If you abide in me, you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain." The word "remain" means "to be fixed, immovable, not affected by circumstances." If you will just keep abiding in Him, just keep meditating on His Word, He'll bring you through. He'll make you strong, He'll keep you stable, and you'll keep moving forward into the life of blessing He has prepared for you!


Father, today I set my heart and mind on You knowing that You are good and faithful. I trust that as I seek You and put You first, You will direct my steps. I choose to remain in You and follow Your leading in everything I do in Jesus' name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen