The right words at the right time can change the course of your day, if not your life.
December 14, 2012
I am determined to practice deep listening. I am determined to practice loving speech
"I am determined to practice deep listening. I am determined to practice loving speech."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
December 13, 2012
Peace is here now in everything
"Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves and in everything we do and see. Every breath we take, every step we take, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
December 03, 2012
November 23, 2012
The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this path I walk in peace...
"The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Tyler Moore
November 20, 2012
Keeping your body healthy is gratitude to cosmos
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Tyler Moore
3959 Electric Road, Suite 400 | Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Telephone 540 777 1010 ext 223 | Richmond 804 592 1010
Facsimile 540 777 1004 | Toll free 866 403 7285
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November 19, 2012
"Feelings, whether of compassion or irritation, should be welcomed, recognized, and treated on an absolutely equal basis; because both are ourselves. The tangerine I am eating is me. The mustard greens I am planting are me. I plant with all my heart and mind. I clean this teapot with the kind of attention I would have were I giving the baby Buddha or Jesus a bath. Nothing should be treated more carefully than anything else. In mindfulness, compassion, irritation, mustard green plant, and teapot are all sacred."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
November 17, 2012
"I promise myself that I will enjoy every minute of the day that is given me to live." ~T
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Tyler Moore
3959 Electric Road, Suite 400 | Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Telephone 540 777 1010 ext 223 | Richmond 804 592 1010
Facsimile 540 777 1004 | Toll free 866 403 7285
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November 14, 2012
Vegetarianism and climate change
"By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian will make a difference in the health of our planet."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Tyler Moore
November 12, 2012
Smile to your sorrow.
"Suffering is not enough. Life is both dreadful and wonderful...How can I smile when I am filled with so much sorrow? It is natural--you need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Tyler Moore
November 02, 2012
"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."
"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."
Tich Naht Hahn
October 30, 2012
October 24, 2012
October 23, 2012
Let go
"People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
October 22, 2012
Accept yourself
"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
October 20, 2012
"When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help
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Tyler Moore
3959 Electric Road, Suite 400 | Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Telephone 540 777 1010 ext 223 | Richmond 804 592 1010
Facsimile 540 777 1004 | Toll free 866 403 7285
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October 12, 2012
Fw: - Look Well to This Day by Anonymous, 50 B.C. **
Look Well to This Day
Anonymous, 50 B.C.
Look well to this day,
For it and it alone is life.
In its brief course
Lie all the essence of your existence:The Glory of Growth
The Satisfaction of Achievement
The Splendor of BeautyFor yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is but a vision.
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
October 11, 2012
Jesus meditation
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed." (Mark 1:35, NIV) TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria Are you facing challenges today or feeling overwhelmed by your circumstances? Perhaps what you see on the outside doesn't match what God has placed on the inside of you. The key is: don't sit around in self-pity, depressed or discouraged. Go out and find someplace you can dream and connect with Almighty God. Go to the park and watch the sunset. Look up at the stars and think about His goodness. Take a break from the environment that seems to be holding you back. Find a place that inspires you, a place where you can meditate on His Word and let your faith be elevated. Stay in a good, Bible-based church where people are going to build you up and not tear you down; a place where people are going to challenge you to rise higher and become all that God has created you to be. I know people who get home from work every night and watch the same depressing TV shows week after week. Don't let that be you! If you're going to enlarge your vision, you've got to get out of a limited environment. Put yourself in an atmosphere of victory and success and move forward in the good things God has prepared for you! A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father, today I choose to separate myself from my circumstances and from my environment so I can set my heart and mind on You. Show me Your ways. Reveal Your love to me. Give me Your vision of victory for my future in Jesus' name. Amen. |
Watch your mind, God's mind
Just Imagine! |
"...and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them." |
(Genesis 11:6, AMP) |
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria |
How often do you stop and think about what you are thinking about? So often, we live with our minds on autopilot, taking in whatever thoughts come our way. But, if we are going to rise up higher the way God intends, we have to determine to make sure our thoughts line up with God's thoughts. Seven times in scripture God asks, "What do you see?" God is interested in our vision. Before your dream comes to pass, you have to see yourself accomplishing that dream. You've got to get a picture of it. Before you lose the weight, before you break the addiction, you have to see it happening in your imagination. Today, instead of thinking about your problems, think about God's promises. Get a vision for what He has in store for your future. Imagine yourself living in victory. Imagine yourself healed. Imagine yourself walking in abundance. Imagine yourself blessing other people. Just imagine what God has in store for you because nothing is impossible with Him! |
Father, today I set my heart and mind on You. Give me Your vision for my future. Help me to see myself the way You see me so that I can imagine and live in the blessing You have in store for me in Jesus' name. Amen. |
— Joel & Victoria Osteen |
October 03, 2012
A Well guarded mind brings happiness
"The wise man takes great care to guard his thoughts. They are very subtle, very difficult to perceive and slip out of control at the tiniest opportunity. A well guarded mind brings happiness."
October 01, 2012
Joy follows those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts like a shadow that ever leaves
"We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them."
September 21, 2012
I can do all things through God who strengthens me
Go Further, Dream Bigger
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Today, I want to remind you of what God says about you. No matter what’s happening in your life today, remember: you are not limited by your resources, your family or your background. Almighty God has equipped and empowered you. He has given you creativity, ideas, inventions, skills and talents. Don’t you dare settle for a mediocre life! Today, I call forth the seeds of greatness inside of you.
Today, I declare that your best days are ahead. That you are going to go further than anyone in your family ever did; that you are going to dream bigger and live higher. I declare that you are a leader, an influencer, a minister of reconciliation. You are the fragrance of God to the nations.
Before anyone put a curse on you, God Almighty put a blessing on you. Walk and live in that blessing by following His commands and staying fully committed to Him in everything you do!
Father, thank You for blessing me and calling me according to Your purposes. I receive Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I will hide Your truth in my heart that I might not sin against You n Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
Tyler M. Moore, plc
September 20, 2012
Timely: Today's Word with Joel & Victoria.
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September 19, 2012
Live with an Eternal Perspective
"...It is more blessed to give than to receive." |
(Acts 20:35, NIV) |
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria |
So much of our culture is inward focused. People are conditioned to think, "What's in it for me?" But the most rewarding way to live is not with the attitude, "How can I get blessed today?" No, if we are always self-focused wondering how we can benefit, that's living with a shallow, temporary mentality. Instead of looking out only for your good, turn it around and say, "How can I be a blessing to others? Who can I inspire to rise higher? What seeds of greatness can I call forth out of someone?" Friend, that's living at a higher level. Today, I encourage you to be on the lookout for ways to be a blessing to other people. It's amazing how one word of encouragement can change the direction of a person's life forever. When you reach out and speak faith over others, when you speak vision and cause others to rise higher, something supernatural happens to your own life. It won't be long before you see yourself excelling and rising up higher when you live with an eternal perspective! |
Father, help me to live with an eternal perspective. Help me to stay focused on meeting the needs of others. Let me be Your hands and feet, let me be Your mouthpiece and bring You glory in everything I do in Jesus' name. Amen. |
— Joel & Victoria Osteen |
September 18, 2012
Push people Up
"Two are better than one...if either of them falls down, one can help the other up..." |
(Ecclesiastes 4:9–10, NIV) |
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria |
We all need somebody to believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. We all need people who will push us up, so to speak. After all, there are enough people trying to push us down in life. There are enough people telling us what we can't become and how we don't have what it takes. I know in my own life, I wouldn't be half of who I am if it were not for Victoria. She has spoken so much faith into me. She has called out the potential on the inside. I believe we all have the responsibility to do this for others. Let's push people up. Let's look with our eyes of faith and see their potential and tell them what they can become. If you will be that person for somebody else, God will make sure somebody will be that person for you. Friend, every person has seeds of greatness inside. You can cause your children to rise to a new level. You can be the catalyst for your family to do things they never thought possible. Your words have creative power. When you speak vision, that can be the seed God uses to thrust them to a new level. |
Father, today I commit to push people up. I choose to speak life and call forth the seeds of greatness within. Thank You for using me to help others fulfill their destiny in Jesus' name. Amen. |
— Joel & Victoria Osteen |
Tyler Moore
September 09, 2012
Cause of today is from the past
"If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present. And if you want to understand what results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present."
September 07, 2012
Humans prosper by making good causes
"Just as flowers open up and bear fruits, just as the moon appears and invariably grow full, just as a lamp becomes brighter when oil is added, and just as plants and trees flourish with rain, so will human beings never fail to prosper when they make good causes."
Tyler Moore
3959 Electric Road, Suite 400 | Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Telephone 540 777 1010 ext 223 | Richmond 804 592 1010
Facsimile 540 777 1004 | Toll free 866 403 7285
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August 29, 2012
Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet
"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
August 27, 2012
Those who hope in me will not be disappointed. Isaiah
Never Disappointed ![]()
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE "...those who hope in me will not be disappointed." (Isaiah 49:23, NIV) ![]()
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria What a powerful promise we have from Almighty God! When we put our hope in Him, we will never be disappointed. Of course, that doesn't mean that things will always go our way. There may be temporary disappointments, but we will never be permanently disappointed. Somewhere down the road, God will cause it to all work out for our good. With God on your side, you will always end in victory!Are you carrying frustration, worry or aggravation about something? That's usually a clear sign that your hope is in the wrong place. If you hope in circumstances, it will deplete you of joy and peace. But when you turn those circumstances over to God, when you refuse to worry, when you refuse to allow the temporary things of this world to dictate your happiness, that's when God can do a work in your life. When you trust in Him, He will make your crooked places straight; He will cause you to mount up with wings like the eagle.Today, choose to put your hope in the Father; you won't be disappointed. Trust Him because He is faithful. Find rest for your soul in knowing that He is good, and He has good things in store for your future!![]()
A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father, today I give You every frustration, every aggravation, every difficulty. I release total control into Your loving and able hands. Speak to my heart and give me Your peace. Show me Your love as I place my hope in You in Jesus' name. Amen. — Joel & Victoria Osteen ![]()
Plus: Elevate![]()
August 26, 2012
Feeling one nd go
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Tyler Moore
3959 Electric Road, Suite 400 | Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Telephone 540 777 1010 ext 223 | Richmond 804 592 1010
Facsimile 540 777 1004 | Toll free 866 403 7285
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August 25, 2012
August 23, 2012
To understand everything is to forgive everything
"To understand everything is to forgive everything."
August 21, 2012
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without...
- Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else, you are the one getting burned.
- Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.
- Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
Tyler Moore
August 20, 2012
"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill."
"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill."
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