September 18, 2009

100 years 100 Billion

In just the last 100 years, we have learned the number of galaxies is not 1 but 100 Billion, the number of stars in each of the 100 Billion galaxies is 100 Billion and the number of planets in each of the 100 Billion galaxies is at least 100 Billion!

Each second, 100 Billion nuetrinos pass through each square inch of our body from one sun for sure.

In the last 100 years, we have gone from horse transportation to jets and cars, from handwritten letters to 100 Billion electronic messages, from morse code to cellular telephones, from maps to Gps...And a 100 Billion other changes...

September 17, 2009

Transcend false self

 It is only the artificial ego that suffers. The man who has transcended his false 'me' no longer identifies with his suffering. - Fingers Pointing Toward the Moon by Wei Wu Wei...

September 16, 2009

Undisciplined mind

More than those who hate you, more than all your enemies, an undisciplined mind does greater harm. 

  ~The Dhammapada

September 15, 2009

Total humility

It is only with total humility, and in absolute stillness of mind that we can know what indeed we are. "The Tenth Man"