August 29, 2012

Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet

"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet."
~Thich Nhat Hanh 

August 27, 2012

Those who hope in me will not be disappointed. Isaiah

Today's Word with Joel and Victoria
Never Disappointed
"...those who hope in me will not be disappointed."
(Isaiah 49:23, NIV)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
What a powerful promise we have from Almighty God! When we put our hope in Him, we will never be disappointed. Of course, that doesn't mean that things will always go our way. There may be temporary disappointments, but we will never be permanently disappointed. Somewhere down the road, God will cause it to all work out for our good. With God on your side, you will always end in victory!
Are you carrying frustration, worry or aggravation about something? That's usually a clear sign that your hope is in the wrong place. If you hope in circumstances, it will deplete you of joy and peace. But when you turn those circumstances over to God, when you refuse to worry, when you refuse to allow the temporary things of this world to dictate your happiness, that's when God can do a work in your life. When you trust in Him, He will make your crooked places straight; He will cause you to mount up with wings like the eagle.
Today, choose to put your hope in the Father; you won't be disappointed. Trust Him because He is faithful. Find rest for your soul in knowing that He is good, and He has good things in store for your future!
Father, today I give You every frustration, every aggravation, every difficulty. I release total control into Your loving and able hands. Speak to my heart and give me Your peace. Show me Your love as I place my hope in You in Jesus' name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
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August 26, 2012

Feeling one nd go

  "Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor."
~Thich Nhat Hanh 

Tyler Moore

3959 Electric Road, Suite 400 | Roanoke, Virginia  24018
Telephone  540 777 1010 ext 223 | Richmond  804 592 1010
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