January 23, 2010

Good talker does not a good man make

 "A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker." 

January 22, 2010

Be wise, disciplined, aware, you will attain Nirvana

Be wise, disciplined and non-violent and you will find peace. Be aware both night and day, continue your practice, and you will attain Nirvana. - B

Just think of the trees...

Just think of the trees: they let the birds perch and fly, with no intention to call them when they come and no longing for their return when they fly away. If people's hearts can be like the trees, they will not be off the Way. 

Do not be dismayed or afraid

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." 

Joshua 1:9 

January 19, 2010

Love turning adversity into opportunity

I am not smarter; I just stay with problems longer.   Albert Einstein.

The hallmark of an entrepreneur is the ability-love really-to turn adversity into opportunity.

Make others happy and they will make you rich.    J. C. Penney.

Attain deliverance in disturbances

1. Don't wish for perfect health. In perfect health, there is greed and wanting. So an ancient said, " Make good medicine from the suffering of sickness." 2. Don't hope for life without problems. An easy life results in a judgmental and lazy ind. So an ancient once said, "Accept the anxieties and difficulties of this life". 3. Don't expect your practice to be clear of obstacles. Without hindrances the mind that seeks enlightenment may be burnt out. So an ancient once said, "Attain deliverance in disturbances". 
         ~Zen Master Kyong Ho

Be Faithful, even to point of death

Revelation 2:10 

 ...Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.